

Some samples of my written work, in no particular order right now. Check back for updates from time to time.
Or ask for a specific example if you don’t see it here. (Chances are I have a few in which you would be interested.)

hello 2013

2012 is old news, so I’m willing all good things for 2013. It’s going to be a great year! (for somebody, somewhere)

January’s not been all that spectacular, so here’s looking ahead with high hopes for February and all the other months to follow.

goodbye 2011

It has been a long, arduous year. I’ve learned so much and reaffirmed much of my prior learning. The gaping hole where Robert used to be still haunts me. It is a great loss, not only for those of us lucky enough to have known him, but for all those who never will. He would have been a world-class blogger, perhaps an even greater long-form writer. His insight, charisma, and genuine empathy are greatly missed.

Spring is almost officially here, and we sprang ahead into Daylight Savings Time last weekend. I feel the need to be sprung from my self-imprisonment.

I really do love keeping busy and there’s always so much to do. I’m also loving getting organized and having actual PROJECTS on which to work – projects that are not related to CHORES that never seem to go away. PROJECTS with a purpose and a future and that will actually generate new revenue streams. Another play on the word “spring.” 


lucky 13

Thirteen is my “lucky” number, if I believe in such things. I lived at number 31 for many very UNlucky years, but since I won a blue poodle for ten cents on number 13 at a local fair I thought it was a good thing. My dad only told me people thought it was a bad luck number after the game. That’s the kind of guy he was. Thoughtful; caring; not afraid to go against popular opinion.

He’s been gone a long time now, but that’s one of those moments that stays with me forever.

Hello world!

A new beginning, on the last day of February 2011.

Let’s just leave it at that for now.